Parents today spend a staggering amount of money on club sports. From traveling baseball teams to expensive basketball clinics, the time and money families pour into just one child’s athletic endeavors can be astronomical. Some parents report spending over $10,000 a year on club fees, equipment, uniforms and traveling expenses. In light of these facts, […] 13:58:202018-11-06 17:46:13Martial Arts: A Smart Alternative to Club Sports
To the layperson, understanding the difference between Kung Fu and Taekwondo can be difficult. Without more than a casual knowledge of the martial arts, the two practices can seem very similar. The differences, however, are significant. Kung Fu originated in China while Taekwondo originated in Korea. Taekwondo comes from three Korean words: Tae (“foot”), Kwon […] 06:36:202018-11-06 17:46:06Kung Fu or Taekwondo: Which is Right for You?
If you have ever wondered what the difference is between Kung Fu and Karate, you are not alone. Many people who don’t have a solid foundation in the martial arts are understandably unsure what sets the two apart. In fact, many people mistakenly believe Kung Fu and Karate are the same thing. The most obvious […] 00:00:512018-11-06 17:45:57Kung Fu vs. Karate: What Sets the Two Apart?
Bullying is an unfortunate reality for many American children and teens. While statistics show that verbal bullying is the most common type, physical bullying is not far behind. Most bullying takes place in school, on school grounds or on the school bus but it can occur anywhere kids gather. It also can occur online. While […] 21:07:562018-11-06 17:45:44Self-Defense Classes Offer Protection from Bullies and More
Martial Arts: A Smart Alternative to Club Sports
Martial ArtsParents today spend a staggering amount of money on club sports. From traveling baseball teams to expensive basketball clinics, the time and money families pour into just one child’s athletic endeavors can be astronomical. Some parents report spending over $10,000 a year on club fees, equipment, uniforms and traveling expenses. In light of these facts, […]
Kung Fu or Taekwondo: Which is Right for You?
Martial ArtsTo the layperson, understanding the difference between Kung Fu and Taekwondo can be difficult. Without more than a casual knowledge of the martial arts, the two practices can seem very similar. The differences, however, are significant. Kung Fu originated in China while Taekwondo originated in Korea. Taekwondo comes from three Korean words: Tae (“foot”), Kwon […]
Kung Fu vs. Karate: What Sets the Two Apart?
Martial ArtsIf you have ever wondered what the difference is between Kung Fu and Karate, you are not alone. Many people who don’t have a solid foundation in the martial arts are understandably unsure what sets the two apart. In fact, many people mistakenly believe Kung Fu and Karate are the same thing. The most obvious […]
Self-Defense Classes Offer Protection from Bullies and More
Self-defense trainingBullying is an unfortunate reality for many American children and teens. While statistics show that verbal bullying is the most common type, physical bullying is not far behind. Most bullying takes place in school, on school grounds or on the school bus but it can occur anywhere kids gather. It also can occur online. While […]